Thursday May 16, 2024

Be Well Health and Wellness Studio | Madeleine Winfeld



Join us in celebrating her successes, exploring the challenges faced, and gaining inspiration for your own journey. Remember, the path to success is a collaborative one, and you are not alone.


Main Topics:

  • Health Challenges 
  • Connections and Community
  • Women Empowerment
  • Empathy for Self and Others
  • Visualization and Flexibility


I met Madeleine in her cozy studio, next to a warmly lit fireplace surrounded by trees and nature. A perfect setting for our chat. This interview combines insights from Madeleine's personal and professional journey with broader themes of seeking and offering support. It starts from her early health challenges and path to expertise in massage therapy, osteopathy, and holistic health, emphasizing the crucial role of empathy gained through personal struggles with psoriasis and other immune conditions. The narrative underscores the importance of ritualistic morning routines, understanding the body's fascia, and providing treatments rooted in safety and emotional support. It addresses the adjustments required due to COVID-19, advocating for community and abundance. Furthermore, it encourages a holistic wellness approach that integrates physical, emotional, and nutritional well-being, urging individuals to pursue help fearlessly and to support others, underscoring the idea that seeking assistance and aiding others are mutually beneficial, enhancing mood and personal growth.

Join Madeleine and I for this thought and emotion provoking conversation.

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